Tagetes patula
42.2 Mpx
85 mm

Tagetes patula

Raw photo is no longer available (this offer ended 26.01.2020)

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This is a 42MPx macro photo of Tages Patula. It is an annual ornamental plant that can be grown easily and which is also useful because of its ability to repel insects. Its vivid yellow and orange color with finely disheveled petals makes a really nice look that evokes the feeling of rural gardens.

The species comes from central Mexico and began to be grown first in North America and, since the 16th century, in Europe.

We used macro rings 10+16mm to reduce the focus level. That allowed us to focus the flower much closer. If you zoom in the center of the flower, you will see individual hairs inside the flower due to the high resolution of this picture.

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