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This is an unedited photo of the gorilla from Uganda, Africa.

Mountain gorillas belong to endangered species as the total population is estimated to comprise at around 1000 individuals only. There are two places where mountain gorillas live in Uganda - Uganda's Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and along Virunga mountain range where are 3 national parks - Uganda's Mgahinga Gorilla National Park, Rwanda's Volcanoes National Park, and Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Regarding charaterictics, gorillas are very similar to humans. Males select places for the group of gorillas where to eat and sleep and they have privileges such as eating first. When the group is threatened, the male weighing up to 120kg will defend them. This is maybe the case of this picture as well as the gorilla is showing its teeth, maybe to prevent other gorillas from danger. Gorillas are considered to be very intelligent.

The name gorilla comes from the Greek word gorillai standing for hairy women.

Author: Petr Coubal | Facebook

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